New York City
where fabulous meets graffiti.
its defiantly the city where dreams are made of.
but i still cant see why people wear those hideous I <3 NY tshirts, really guys its a BAD look guys.
when i was in NYC I did all the normal touristy things:
statue of lib
empire state
ground zero. (we where there a week after the 10year anniversary)
ground zero is now been renamed the 911 manorial, only one of the fountains (the foot prints) is complete but from where i was standing I could see the gaping hole of the second tower, ten years on and they are still trying to rebuild. or though the pace was buzzing with people going about there daily business there is still a quietness in the air and you can't but help feel sad. the loss of life that day will always be remembered but NYC has moved on showing that it is stronger than those evil fools that day.
moving on to something a little more fun
when i was in NYC I stayed with a young designer in her apartment in brooklyn
her and her boyfriend where a wonderful british couple that made sure that we got the best out of our visit , as her boyfriend is a photographer he new the city like the back of his hand in fact he managed to direct most locals the right way! this was all gained from hunting for the perfect picture and trust me NYC is full of picture perfect moments. walking through china town was a total eye opener even though ive been to bajjing a few summers ago! as well as the craziest shop ever called evaluation that sold foetus skulls, pickled pigs & all manner of stuffed creature... any when i said foetus i did mean human foetus :s it did make me feel ill, and my boyfriend could not believe his eyes i think its scared him for life.
showing us the random an the cool stuff around the fashion quarters of new york The standard hotel was a favoured end destination of the night. with the massive crying clown grading the front door this place as truly a artist or druggys dream as the hole hotel was crazy an random from the films of hell featuring hitler in the lifts to the designer loos that as you took a 1 or 2 you look out straight over Manhattan ... now thats a strange feeling!
the one i used look straight out over the DVF office / flag ship store, where Dian Von Ferstonburg her self lives in a glass dome on the top floor she is famously know through out Manhattan for her naked yoga , but thank god that night she was not practicing!!
the designer that we where staying with works for DVF
and she seamed to really enjoy her job or though the hours where heavy.
working till 11 at night would seam extreme to a english brand but in new york the city as well as most design staff never sleep!
hope fully i will be able to do a short interview with my DVF designer but ill have to ask her first before i post a hole essay on her!! --- keep you posted on that one!
On to Uni Work, well i have finished my ESSAY that beep for that i dont think i could deal with going back for the first week and have to worry about socialising & also an essay, so thats done & sent to my tutor! but i still have to pa-zazzz my cv to a buying one , 5- 10 year plan & do a 10 minute presentation on jobs an my self HUH HOW DO I EVEN DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heres my ten year plan.... what do you think??
yr 2drink party do some uni work, yr3 drink and party less finish uni with a good degree, work for two years , marry an rich man or win the lottery ... have children & never work again.... FAT chance thats going to happen!
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